Chuck's hot chicken locations
Chuck's hot chicken locations

chuck chuck

It is also revealed that Pete, not Andre, is the father of Meegan's child. In the series finale, Pete wins $1 million and retires into the sunset, winning the beach house. He once got a "Fear Boner" when he bought Chicago Bears tickets from a man in the park. He still holds the North Winnetka High School pole-vault record. He creates, and is commissioner of, the "Sacko", the "worst-team" trophy created during the episode "The Reunion". Pete is known for tricking his gullible friends (particularly Taco and Andre) into making poor fantasy-football trades they call "trade rapes." He works in a cubicle in sales, avoiding doing actual work as much as possible, though in the season 5 episode "The Automatic Faucet" he declares he is done with fantasy football and focuses solely on work-except for when he helps his boss set up a team for an office project much like he did with his fantasy-football lineup, which actually earns him a promotion. Several episodes revolve around his interaction with women. Mark Duplass as Peter "Pete" Eckhart: Three-time league champion who separates from his wife Meegan ( Leslie Bibb) in the pilot episode.

Chuck's hot chicken locations